</p><p></p><divclass="variablelist"><dl><dt><spanclass="term">Give focus to a window</span></dt><dd><p>You need to give the focus to a window if you want it to
</p><p></p><divclass="variablelist"><dl><dt><spanclass="term">Give focus to a window</span></dt><dd><p>You need to give the focus to a window if you want it to
receive keyboard and mouse input. Window decorations colors will
receive keyboard and mouse input. Window decorations colors will
change, following the focus. To obtain more details about focus
change, following the focus. To obtain more details about focus
options, please refer to <ahref="#wm-focus"title="Keyboard and focus">the section called “Keyboard and focus”</a>above.
options, please refer to <ahref="#wm-focus"title="Keyboard and focus">the section called “Keyboard and focus”</a>below.
</p><p>A keyboard shortcut allows to switch the focus from a window
</p><p>A keyboard shortcut allows to switch the focus from a window
to others : Hold Alt and then you can press Tab repeatedly untill
to others : Hold Alt and then you can press Tab repeatedly untill
you get to the window you want to focus. If you use it, you will
you get to the window you want to focus. If you use it, you will