missing an easy tweak panel for choosing xfce's energy consumption (or cpu/memory usage)
Submitted by Jerome
Assigned to Nick Schermer
Created attachment 6610 the performance options dialog window from M. Windows XP
I remember M. Windows XP which provided a dialog window for performance options.
It allowed the end-user to tweak the look&feel experience from energy saving point of view (or cpu/memory usage point of view).
When searching energy efficient desktop environnements, users can use alternative to XFCE (like LXDE, Razor-qt, just OpenBox, i3, ...). However those environments seem to offer stacking or tiling-only window managers which have some drawbacks (like energy consumption when painting unnecessary windows).
This would allow XFCE to be installed on Netbooks.
Attachment 6610, "the performance options dialog window from M. Windows XP":
Version: 4.10.0