xfce4-display-settings: Display Layout Reverts Back to a Historic Configuration When Certain Applications Launch
I had a certain display layout recently (two monitors, the right one rotated right (portrait), the left one landscape) that I likely saved into a preset (in the xfce4-display-settings UI). I since changed the layout to have the right monitor sit in landscape orientation (no rotation). Any previously used presets have long been deleted. When I launch a certain application (Quod Libet) the displays "magically" revert back to this old preset, rotating the right-hand monitor 90 degrees right again. ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml
looks very clean (no sign of the old preset to be seen) and so is ~/.config/monitors.xml
, albeit likely irrelevant here. When I launch the said application and experience the configuration reversal the following is displayed in the notification area:
Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors
required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(1, 1), minimum=(8, 8), maximum=(32767, 32767)
Observed Behavior
Monitor configuration reverts back to a historic preset, that no longer exists, automatically whenever a certain application is launched (for the first time after boot). Manual change back to the desired layout through the UI works but is a step required after every boot/launch of said application.
Expected Behavior
None of the above should occur. The current configuration should be retained without anything getting triggered during the launch of an application.
Many thanks for looking into this! Please do let me know if there's anything I might be able to try out in order to help find the root cause of this.
Related forum thread: https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=77957