Right control (ctrl) key not working [oss] [french] [keyboard]
Submitted by ziu..@..sh.com
Assigned to Jérôme Guelfucci
Created attachment 5689 screenshot of xfce4-settings-editor
Explanation of the bug:
I recently upgraded my xubuntu distribution from "quantal quetzal" to "trusty tahr". In quantal, I was using various shortcuts combinations based on the key "right_ctrl".They no longer work in trusty. If I use the same combinations with the "left_control" key, they do work.
The keyboard configuration, I am using is :
Français (variante) which is also called oss (in xfce4-settings-editor)
There are four types of oss configurations [xkb name in between brackets]:
-français (variante) [oss] -français (variante, latin-9 uniquement) [oss_latin9] -français (variante, sans touche morte) [oss_nodeadkeys] -français (variante, touches mortes sun) [oss_sundeadkeys] I tried all of them. The Right_ctrl key no longer works in any of them. (They were working in quantal). This is not the case when I switch to another keyboard configuration such as Français (variante obsolète) [Latin9]
Packages versions
xfce4-settings: 4.11.2-1ubuntu2 (trusty) xfce4-xkb-plugin: 1:0.7.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty)
xfce4-settings: 4.10.0-1ubuntu2 (quantal) xfce4-xkb-plugin: (quantal)
Attachment 5689, "screenshot of xfce4-settings-editor":
Version: 4.11.0