screen turns on but goes back to standby when resuming from suspend-to-ram
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Assigned to Ali Abdallah @ali
When i wake up my computer, my screen goes from standby mode to powered mode, and then immediately goes back to standby mode. I have to press some key or move the mice for the screen to power up for real (so that i can see the locked login screen).
This happens if both "Settings/Power Manager/Security/Lock screen when system is going for sleep" and "Settings/Session and Startup/Advanced/Lock screen before sleep" are both checked.
I see those settings are somewhat synchronysed, but if i uncheck the xfce4-session one without going to the power manager settings panel, the problem disapears (the screen goes into stanby mode on suspend, and powers on as expected on resume, showing the locked greeter).
If i then go to the power manager settings panel, i see the option is also unchecked (has been synchronized at display time it seems). but then the screen is not locked anymore on suspend.
This is on ubuntu 17.04 with xfce4-session-4.12.1-3ubuntu3 and xfce4-power-manager-1.4.4-4ubuntu2. I can reproduce this behavior and the workaround on 3 desktop systems.
Version: 1.4.x