Configure behavior of window button left click
Submitted by David M. Lloyd
Assigned to Nick Schermer
Presently, window buttons seem to behave in the following way. When you click on a window button, if the window is not focused, it gains focus; if it is focused, then it is minimized. However this behavior is somewhat annoying when you have focus following the mouse pointer; if you choose a window from the panel to raise that you've accidentally brushed with the mouse pointer, it is minimized instead of raised.
It would be nice if you could configure the window buttons such that when you click on a button, if the window is not raised, it is raised and focused; if it is raised but not focused it is focused; if it is raised and focused then it is minimized. This way you can raise windows easily without accidentally minimizing them. This makes sense (for me at least) because (from the panel at least) I want to raise windows far more often than I want to minimize them.
Version: 4.8.6