When panel restarts, tray icons, created by qt5 applications, don't appear in notification area.
Only application restart solves problem until next panel restart.
I checked following applications (all are affected):
keepassx, qsynth, qjackctl, cadence, clementine, vlc
For now it is 4.13.5, yet I'm going to upgrade to 4.13.6.
I'm not sure, however, that it is panel-related. I see it has systray applet, but looking to xfce4-settings-editor, I only found notification-plugin, which is from notifyd, and without any settings.
I just tried systray to remember why I don't use. It doesn't lose qt5 icons on panel restart, but it has some other disconveniences, like not passing RMB click to icon and no revealer to show hidden icons.
I'm setting product back, because as said above, I use notification applet fron xfce4-notifyd instead of panel itself, which are difference components.
I'm pretty sure this is the wrong component, xfce4-notifyd is what draws notification bubbles. And while it has a panel plugin that shows you your recent notifications I don't think that's what you're after.
Please let me know what plugin you're actually using (in the panel preferences -> items list you can hover the plugin to see its "internal name", that would be helpful) so we can try to get to the bottom of this.
My appologies.
I did mistake, looking to settings editor - this time I remembered to check process list.
It is libsystray, shipped with panel. Another applet, that I mentioned without problems with qt5, is xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin.
So I just wonder, is it ever posible for non-gtk tray icons to be picked.
I recently learned bug with qjackctl tray menu (now fixed), which finally led me to above links.
Forgot to add: After better learning about all 3 tray/notification/indicator ways I left both notification and tray apps. Current qt5 systray prefers notification interface, so problem is like avoided. Remaining apps, still in systray plugin, are gtk apps, which as said have no problem being picked up back.
94a0a027 may help solve this problem, although I think it solves #102 (closed) first. Otherwise 0bf1cb8e adds some debugging information.
They will both be part of 4.16.5 which will be released soon, so when you have installed that version, please provide debug logs if you still manage to reproduce the problem, by running
I think we can close this one as duplicate of #102 (closed) (fixed in 94a0a027) and #599 (closed) (conflict with ayatana-indicator-application to be resolved by the user).