workspace wrap is not functional
Submitted by Mukundan Ragavan
Assigned to Nick Schermer
Downstream bug report -
Quoting from the bug report -
" Description of problem: In my panel I have the "workspace switcher" item. In Fedora 20 I used to be able to scroll my mouse wheel up and down on this item to wrap from the last workspace to the first one and vice versa. This functionality is gone in Fedora 22. I can still use my mouse wheel on the panel to switch work spaces, but it stops at the last (or first) and no longer wraps around.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): xfce4-panel-4.12.0-3.fc22.x86_64
How reproducible: always
Steps to Reproduce:
- Start with an XFCE environment with a panel and multiple workspaces.
- In XFCE's Settings, select the "Windows Manager Tweaks" settings.
- Click the "Workspaces" tab.
- Ensure "Wrap workspaces when the first or last workspace is reached" box is checked.
- Add a "workplace switcher" item to your XFCE panel.
- Move your scroll wheel up or down while hovering over the workspace switcher item in the panel.
Actual results: The XFCE desktop cycles through each workspace and ends on the final workspace. It doesn't wrap around to the first.
Expected results: The XFCE desktop should continue to wrap around to the first workspace and cycle through the workspaces a second time. "
Version: 4.12.0