Please use the Xfce bugtracking system at to report
Notes to developers
If you are a Xfce developer with write access to the Xfce git repository,
and you feel like you want or need to change something in this module,
do not simply commit your changes, unless its really a trivial fix. If it's
a non-trivial change, discuss the change on first. In
either case, don't forget to update the ChangeLog file before you commit!
Please submit patches to the Xfce bugtracking system or the
mailinglist. Your patch should be created with the git-format command (see man
git-format) and it should follow the coding style used by the maintainer.
Please send a patch against a recent version of this package. Patches against
the HEAD branch are most preferable.
Feature requests
Please send your feature requests to the Xfce bugtracking system
( Make sure that your feature request wasn't reported already
before; requesting a feature several times won't increase the chance that
it gets added.
Coding Style
- Be sure to use the same indentation rules as the maintainer (esp. important:
expand tabs).
- Don't follow the philosophy "If it works, it's right" that most open source
projects follow. Instead, follow the philosphy "It doesn't work unless it's
- If you don't follow the rules above, your patches will be rejected or - in
case you have write access to the Xfce repository - your changes will be
Release process
No procedure yet, we have to figure out how to handle this module best.