Garcon is an implementation of the specification replacing the former Xfce menu library libxfce4menu. It is based on GLib/GIO and aims at covering the entire specification except for legacy menus. It was started as a complete rewrite of the former Xfce menu library called libxfce4menu, which, in contrast to garcon, was lacking menu merging features essential for loading menus modified with menu editors.
See NEWS for details on changes and fixes made in the current release.
Source Code Repository
Download a Release Tarball
From source:
% cd garcon
% ./
% make
% make install
From release tarball:
% tar xf garcon-<version>.tar.bz2
% cd garcon-<version>
% ./configure
% make
% make install
Reporting Bugs
Visit the reporting bugs page to view currently open bug reports and instructions on reporting new bugs or submitting bugfixes.