Updated and added Estonian translations for the libxfcegui4, terminal and...
Updated and added Estonian translations for the libxfcegui4, terminal and mousepad trunk modules and libxfce4util branch 4.4 module Updated Indonesian translations for the xfce-utils, xfce4-mixer, xarchiver, xfwm4, xfcalendar and xfdesktop trunk modules Updated and added Spanish translations for the xfce4-appfinder, squeeze, libexo, xfce-utils, libxfce4menu, xfce4-session, xfce4-mixer, libxfce4util, libxfce4ui, xfce4-icon-theme, thunar, libxfcegui4, xfce4-panel, xfdesktop, xfce4-trigger-launcher, terminal, mousepad and xfmedia trunk modules Updated Russian translation for the xarchiver, libexo and libxfcegui4 trunk modules Updated and added German translation of the xfce4-settings and xfwm4 trunk modules Updated Japanese translation for the thunar module Updated Sinhalese translation for the libxfcegui4 trunk module (Old svn revision: 28040)
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This diff is collapsed.
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