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Draft: Port to GTK 4

Gaël Bonithon requested to merge Tamaranch/mousepad:port-to-gtk4 into master

Fixes #138 (closed).

I wanted to experience a port to GTK 4 to see what it looks like! No idea when such a thing could or should be merged, but it's better to share it and have an online backup. This also requires GtkSourceView 5.

The commit list more or less follows the migration guide provided in the documentation. The main things left to do are related to the menubar and the toolbar, but for the most part the rest is done. There are however some persistent bugs after this first pass, here is a small list (non exhaustive):

NB: all the commits prefixed "pre-GTK4:" are supposed to compile; none of those prefixed "GTK 4:" are supposed to compile, except the last one.

Edited by Gaël Bonithon

Merge request reports