Restore old layout of the Alt+Tab switcher
Submitted by Pal Tamas Acs Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
I've recently upgraded to Xfce 4.10 to 4.12 (Debian Jessie LTS -> Stretch upgrade) and noticed that the behavior of the Xfce Alt+Tab app switcher behavior has changed.
Xfce 4.12 displays application names under their icons.
The original behavior (of Xfce 4.10) displays only the window title at the bottom and application name on the top.
I would like to ask you to restore the original behavior. Displaying application names is annoying and most of the time the application name just doesn't fit so it looks unprofessional as well. I tried to find the right option for it in xfconf editor as well as under Application menu -> Settings -> Window Manager Tweaks. Both without success.
I would like to ask you to introduce an option to turn off displaying application name under icons in the Alt+Tab switcher.
Version: 4.12.0