encrypted passphrase: *all* windows disappear
Submitted by Dr. David Alan Gilbert
Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
(Fedora 30 4.14 xfce; this arrived in the last few months as a regression. Thunar 1.8.9) I've got a LUKS encrypted partition on my main drive; it's an padlocked icon on the main desktop.
When I click on it the, 'Enter a passphrase to unlock the volume' dialog appears. However at that point all other windows on all desktops disappear. The windows aren't minimised - they're still shown on the window list without [] and still appear on the workspace switcher. They reappear if I use alt-tab to view each one.
I'm not sure where the problem is; Thunar or the window manager.
Version: 4.14.0