Desktop zoom "nearest" texture filter does not work after version 4.13.1 (patch)
Submitted by Juha Aatrokoski
Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
Created attachment 8719 Fix texture filter patch
Between versions 4.13.1 and 4.13.2 the GL_NEAREST filter (used on the deepest levels of desktop zoom) stopped working, and GL_LINEAR was used instead. Looking at the diff between the version and with a bit of trial I found the culprit and the fix (patch attached).
A quick internet search led me to this:
If I understand the answer correctly, both GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER and GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER must be specified for either of them to take effect (seems like the settings are added to a "shadow" settings object, from which they are latched to the actual texture only when the whole set is valid/complete).
Patch 8719, "Fix texture filter patch":
Version: GIT Master