notifications switch focus to always-on-top window
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Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
I'm seeing an issue with notifications on my xubuntu 16.04 system. Running '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd --version' gives me "Xfce Notify Daemon 0.2.4".
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if there's some option I should be looking at, or whether it has been fixed in a newer version. I'd appreciate any advice :)
To reproduce: 0. Configure your system to have both focus stealing prevention and honor standard ICCM focus hint checked in Window Manager Tweaks (note: I have tried playing with different combinations of these. This issue only seems to happen with both checked, but I have other problems with e.g things stealing the focus with other combinations)
- Open a terminal.
- Set another window (not your terminal) as always on top. My most common one is audacious, but it seems to happen with any window with 'always on top' set.
- focus your terminal and run 'notify-send -t 2000 "test message"'
- You'll see a notification, but your terminal will stay focused (as expected). After 2 seconds the notification will disappear and the window you set as always on top in step 2 will get the focus.
What's Expected: Terminal should keep the focus
What actually happens: The 'always on top' window gets the focus when the notification closes
Any advice or input would be appreciated. I've tried searching the internet but haven't come up with anything (maybe it's my search terms). I also tried searching the xfce bug tracker and didn't come up with anything (again, maybe my search terms).
Thanks! :)
Version: 4.14.0