Support for shortcuts to paste content from different clipboard selections
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Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
In short, Linux offers 3 selections for clipboard: primary, secondary and clipboard. Apps are allowed to use them freely. Some apps support copying to/pasting from, while some other apps don't. So it would be great if you consider adding support from the core. My suggestions are:
- Support shortcuts (modifiable) to copy content to/paste content from clipboard selections.
For instance, tools like xsel/xdotool exist just for tasks like this. I know they are for other tasks too, but to work around, those tools are the only one. And they work like hacks (I'm not blaming them, but their ways of solving issues related to clipboard content; it's not their fault either, since core API doesn't support yet). For example user can use xsel to copy content to primary section, then simulate a middle mouse click to paste that content to a GUI window. It's a hack. It still can only work halfway, if and only if the GUI app does support pasting content from primary selection.
So it would help me, as a user, a lot, if you consider adding support for this.
Thank you for your hard work,
Version: 4.12.0