An "Alt+Tab" dialog trigger that keeps the dialog on screen without holding Alt key down.
Submitted by vanikos
Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
The cycle windows dialog (default alt+tab) with previews is very functional and well-implemented. However, it's usable only by means of pressing and holding a mod key (e.g. alt) + press another key (e.g. Tab).
It would add extra functionality to be able to launch it with a mouse gesture (e.g. a screen edge hotspot, a single key press e.t.c). It would serve as an very nice Expose-type chooser.
Problem is, the way it's implemented now, the mod key (alt) must be pressed down for the dialog to stay on. I tried a xdotool hack but it's unreliable.
[Request-enhanchment]: Is it possible to make a cycle windows dialog trigger that forces the dialog to stay on screen without holding a key down? It would be super easy then for the user to assign this trigger to:
- Mouse gestures (with xdotool or something similar)
- To single key shortcuts
- Icon launchers on xfce4 panel or other dock apps