Possible conflict of compositing settings in themerc and in xfce-mcs-manager
Submitted by Pigeon
Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
When a theme has specified resize_opacity, move_opacity, popup_opacity, show_frame_shadow, show_popup_shadow, they somewhat conflict with those in the xfce-mcs-manager -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Compositing tab.
In themerc: move_opacity=60 show_frame_shadow=true
Then in the xfce-mcs-manager, the "Show shadows under regular window" seems to have no effect. And if you change the "Opacity of windows during move", it works until you change the other settings on the same tab such as the other sliders.
Had a brief look in the code. Everytime when a setting is changed, loadSettings is called, which calls loadRcData, loadMcsData, loadTheme in that order, which explains why the settings from the themerc overriding the previous ones.
The real question is what should the behaviour be in this situation, might need a policy or something.
Version: 4.4.x