When working in extended desktop, the windows are covered with shadows.
Submitted by Aitor Urrutia
Assigned to Olivier Fourdan @olivier
Created attachment 4957 Shadows covering the windows, with extended desktop. (Only a monitor was captured)
I have Xubuntu 12.10 32bits installed in a Hp Pavilion dv5000 laptop. I've had problems when working with two monitors in extended desktop mode. The problem was that all the windows were covered by shadows (except the terminal...).
First, I tried to do it with xrandr (xrandr --output VGA1 --right-of LVDS1) and that is when the problem appeared. Surfing the internet, I discovered that it was possible to work with extended desktop with the XFCE-14.12 repositories and I tried. The settings to extend the desktop were there but, the problem, didn't go. So, I started to think that there is a bug or something...
I've attached a screen capture.
Thank you,
Attachment 4957, "Shadows covering the windows, with extended desktop. (Only a monitor was captured)":
Version: 4.10.0