XFCE isn't using entire virtual desktop
Submitted by Zbigniew
Assigned to Eric Koegel
Browsing the Web I've found, that this has been described more than 3 years ago (still not fixed, BTW) regarding the KDE. Since the author of the mentioned complaining actually wrote everything I would to write now, I'll just paste an excerpt here:
I added "Virtual 1400 900" to the default screen subsections in xorg.conf like I always do, and the virtual display works and scrolls at the boundaries, but even though I can scroll around the entire 1400x900 desktop area it seems that KDE doesn't recognize the full desktop dimensions and thinks it only has 1024x768.
The panel is drawn as if the desktop was only 1024x768, and windows maximize as if the desktop was only 1024x786. If I scroll the virtual desktop fully to the upper left, it's just like having a 1024x768 KDE desktop. I can't drag anything past that boundary, it acts like it's dragged off the screen although the background image (wallpaper) is there and the display scrolls. <<
Unfortunately, I noticed the same problem in XFCE.
Many times I've seen quite common error of the programmers, whose programs were willing to use ENTIRE area of "virtual desktop", instead of just the visible part, e.g. when clicked "maximize" button (the one in upper right corner). The more strange is, that XFCE until today has the opposite: it's using just the currently visible fragment, instead of entire desktop - although it should manage the whole area (e.g. taskbar should be placed at the bottom, not "somewhere in the middle" - and it should have the length of whole virtual desktop - etc.).
Version: 4.6.1