Setting for spacing icons and icons name ellipsize
Submitted by Antonio
Assigned to Eric Koegel
I don't know why, but it is clear that xfce, that I really like, do not have a quality assurance test at all. Sorry about this rant, but this is the n+1 time that I update my system (ubuntu dekstop 18.10) and my xfce configuration got completelly fuckedup. I don't know why, but this time maybe it depends on some issue related to gtk 2 -> gtk 3 transition.
In any case, this is a big issue since, I would hope to start a real discussion about this, usability is important but developers NEVER think about it.
I'm a men that is used to work as in 1985, I really like simple desktop, FULL of icons. I really like to work with the old desktop that just show me the icons and folder, I can move them as I wish, I can organize them as I wish. BUT MORE IMPORTANT: I can read their name without any kind of strange ellipsize "..."
Sorry about the rant. I know how to fix this issue changing gtk style or at least, since there is no WAY to do this in the desktop settings, since the program (xfdesktop) cannot figure out the space of the name by itself, but depends on the THEME (WHY=??????), and since I start to be bored to cut and past after 20 minutes of google searches (see this:
And finally, since, after fixing everything and updating to ubuntu 18,10, everything is again completelly fucked up. I have just one question: why? why the developers think that any users, that install your software can use it if it can change the desktop background (silly, stupid, completelly useless future that get your attention for 10 microseconds) but cannot read the file names or folder names.
Sorry again about the rant. But I'm really really upset. Do I have maybe to COMPILE from scratch the entire distribution to have a working xfce desktop environment? it is a bug of the distribution (ubuntu)? or it is a bug of the application.. xfdesktop I don't know. But I just know, that I'm bored of fixing stuff for every system update. and discover what fucking .css file I have to change, and how and why.
Basic desktop functions:
- Show icons. Move Icons around. open documents
- show folder, move folder arounds. open folders.
- show NAMES.
- then desktop background and other stuff.
Version: 4.12.0