Desktop icons show up outside visible area on xXx tripple monitor configuration
Submitted by Öyvind Saether
Assigned to Eric Koegel
Created attachment 7045 desktop icons are placed in the upper right corner, outside visible area
Using 3 monitors with 1080p 1440p 1080p some desktop icons are outside the visible screen area when configuring the monitors xXx in the desktop app.
Using the same configuration with the monitors like "X" works just fine.
It is probably unclear what I mean so I'll up it another way. If the top of the right monitor is aligned with the top of the middle monitor then desktop icons show up just fine. If the bottom of the left monitor is aligned with the bottom of the middle monitor then desktop icons are placed outside the visible area.
A solution is obviously to align all the monitors with the top line and not the bottom.
Attachment 7045, "desktop icons are placed in the upper right corner, outside visible area":
Version: 4.12.3