When there is a maximised window, switching windows doesn't transfer the focus to the newly switched window.
For example a maximised thunar and a non maximised xfce terminal. When window switching the maximised window (thunar) gets the focus normally, but the terminal doesn't get it.
The problem exists both with labwc and wayfire.
Possibly related is that pop up windows on a maximised thunar don't get focused as well. For example rename pop-up. This happens with other applications too, it's not thunar specific.
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It's a full xfce session. labwc -s xfce4-session or startxfce4 --wayland wayfire.
I tried killing xfce4-panel and the problem disappears both on wayland and labwc, so in the end it seems to be a panel problem.
On labwc it's a bit trickier to reproduce as it doesn't happen every time, but the rename popup consistently doesn't get focus on both.
On labwc starting a new app that's not maximised through a keyboard shortcut results in the window not getting the focus. In my configuration it happens with both xfce4-terminal and xfce4-appfinder. I'm noticing that the maximised window has to be focused for the problem to appear.
I actually run two panels and one of them is set to hide intelligently. It doesn't pop up when there is a maximised window, but that's a separate problem.
I removed the second panel and without it the issue on both labwc and wayfire is gone.
It doesn't pop up when there is a maximised window, but that's a separate problem.
It's not a problem, it's expected behavior :) It also works like that on X11, with the addition of other autohide cases that can't be reproduced on wayland, because we don't have access to the geometry of the windows (only their state).
Unfortunately, the focus problem is almost impossible to fix at the moment, because for autohide to work, you have to remap the panel when it pops up. From then on, the compositor has to give focus to two competing windows: the panel, and the window of the application you're opening (appfinder, terminal, etc., or even a maximized window dialog).
To get rid of this problem, we shouldn't remap the panel. The only alternative solution, which may exist one day, would be to use the viewporter protocol to hide the panel, but for the moment, the way compositors implement it doesn't allow us to use it, see https://github.com/labwc/labwc/issues/2129.
It's not a problem, it's expected behavior :) It also works like that on X11, with the addition of other autohide cases that can't be reproduced on wayland, because we don't have access to the geometry of the windows (only their state).
I mean when moving the mouse over the edge where the panel is, it doesn't show up. If I remember correctly it shows up on X11. However given the problems with autohide, this is irrelevant.