task list/window buttons: Lacking mouse click mode for grouped windows
My apologies if I missed something, but the XFCE 4 panel's "Window Buttons" task list widget seems to lack the most common "Group windows by application" left mouse click mode, which would mirror how it's commonly implemented elsewhere.
The common implementation matching KDE's default, GNOME, Windows 7, and I think also macOS X, seems to be that left clicking a grouped app icon brings any of the windows to the front immediately. Clicking it again will cycle through to the next window grouped, and so on. Right-click shows a menu to access a specific window via a listing.
XFCE4's implementation instead seems to be that left-click shows a menu to access one via listing if there's multiple windows, meaning a switch to an application may now need two clicks instead of one. This seems also inconsistent with how it works when "Group windows by application" is disabled.
I think one way to fit this nicely into the UI would be to add a "Left click action" to the "Window buttons" properties. This would allow choosing between the current behavior, and the common way that I'm suggesting. Then whether what should be the default on new installs could still be up for debate.
Sorry if this is already possible and I just missed it.
Affected XFCE4 version: XFCE 4.18.1, xfce4-panel 4.18.4
Affected distribution: I've seen this issue on Linux Mint 22,1