Update to 4.10.1 breaks compatibility with vertically oriented panel for some plugin's
Submitted by Iko..@..dex.ru
Assigned to Nick Schermer
Created attachment 5341 vertical panel with fsguard and digital view of built-in clock
Restoreing environment after upgrade to XFce-4.10.1 I've find, that some likely plugins lossed compatibility with vertically-oriented panel (see the attached image for example): plugin's text message is rotated together with panel at the time, when it shouldn't be rotated.
I've see this issue for the following panel elements: [I] xfce-base/xfce4-panel Installed versions: 4.10.1(10:07:30 20.01.2014)(-debug) (built-in digital clock, analog view is displayed correctly)
[I] xfce-extra/xfce4-netload-plugin Installed versions: 1.2.0-r1(10:08:59 20.01.2014)(-debug)
[I] xfce-extra/xfce4-systemload-plugin Installed versions: 1.1.1(11:37:19 29.10.2012)(udev -debug)
[I] xfce-extra/xfce4-fsguard-plugin Installed versions: 1.0.1(11:36:50 29.10.2012)(debug)
[I] xfce-extra/xfce4-diskperf-plugin Available versions: 2.5.4 {debug} Installed versions: 2.5.4(11:36:21 29.10.2012)(-debug)
Attachment 5341, "vertical panel with fsguard and digital view of built-in clock":
Version: 4.10.1