Panel does not display category icons if one of XDG_DATA_DIRS is not readable
Submitted by Michał Górny
Assigned to Nick Schermer
I had an issue with panel not displaying menu category icons (displaying the 'unknown' icon instead). I've been able to nail it down to the value of XDG_DATA_DIRS being:
On my system /usr/local/share was not world-readable (I never needed it), and it seemed to cause xfce4 to stop before looking for other locations. Both removing that location from XDG_DATA_DIRS or 'chmod a+rx' fixed it, so I believe this is the problem.
From what I can see, Xfce correctly handles non-existent directories in XDG_DATA_DIRS. While I have my icons back, I believe it would be good to fix the issue as well, and make Xfce treat non-readable and non-existent directories equally here.
Version: 4.10.1