Hello, I'm having an issue with the icon sizes of the panel. To give some context my arrangement looks like this:
As you can see it's very Windows-like and I'm trying to make it closer to the configuration I had in Windows 7... The problem is I can't change icon sizes in a satisfactory manner; if I change the row size of the panel all icons are enlarged except the window buttons (tasklist) which are stuck at 16px when showing labels. Also the notification area (tray) icons increase the spacing between them even though their size/spacing is controlled separately.
What I'm asking for here is a way to control each "element" of the panel separately, for example I want the Whisker Menu icon to be 32px, the window buttons to be 24px, and the tray+power manager+show desktop to be 16px. The panel would resize to the height of the tallest item and center the rest vertically without changing anything else.
Thank you.
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This is a very non-trival request. The panel actually has an API now (since 4.14) that allows plugins to query the preferred icon size users configure in the panel appearance settings.
The window list is a special case because it only has 16px or 32px icons (the underlying library we use doesn't deliver anything else).
The systray is also a special case, because its legacy and actually embed a complete window, so the panel has no direct control over the size of what's displayed there.
However things should be a tad better in 4.16 with systray and statusnotifier plugins being merged in the panel and allowing for homogeneous sizing/spacing.
The window list is a special case because it only has 16px or 32px icons (the underlying library we use doesn't deliver anything else).
That would be great to make it more flexible. Any plans to make icons from window-buttons reflect in-between sizes like 24px for example? This feature is highly appreciated. As of now 16px is a bit too small and 32px is too big.
We'll probably never achieve this level of customization when it comes to icon sizes, so we can effectively close this request. Hopefully, things are already a little better in 4.18 and even better in 4.19.
If it's not planned to allow icon size configuration for each panel item, what speaks against at least an "Icons" configuration section for the tasklist just like for status tray? I think ajustment of the window buttons' icons could be even more requested as it makes rather less sense to have different icon sizes for e.g. audio and network items. But to have the icons of the open windows quite large, especially if there are no labels, while the status icons are less prominent, i.e. smaller, in the corner could be something you want.
That's pretty much my issue currently; the status bar icons are the proper size, but the pulse / power manager plugin icons are too big because they inherited their size from the window buttons, instead of the status bar items... Hope that makes sense.
It would be great if this was fixed, but it's okay if not. My original issue was already fixed in 4.18 (I think) as window buttons are no longer stuck at 16px, which is why I closed this issue thread.
Sorry that I wasn't quite clear. I personally have version 4.19.2 installed. The "problem" was that now the Window icons scale together with all other icons on the panel (which is of course nicer than before) but there is no way to size them independantly. As I wrote, this could be a nice feature because it makes sense to let those important window buttons with their icons stick out more prominently than for example the audio control. Right now, like the images suggest, if I want larger window button icons, all other icons will scale with them leading to e.g. the audio control looking more important than it is. And if I scale the audio control icon (via panel icon size setting) down, the window button icons get smaller as well even though I want them to catch my attention. And if even the status tray icon sizes are customizable, what is probably very rarely used because, as I wrote before, it is rather unintuitive to have uncommon sizes for e.g. network (tray) and audio (panel plugin) control, I think it makes sense for the tasklist to allow that, too.