Xfce panel buttons don't minimize windows when focus follows mouse is set
Submitted by rainheavenhail
Assigned to Nick Schermer
I like to have the focus follow my mouse, but I also like to be able to both minimize and restore windows by clicking the window button in the panel.
If "click to focus" is set, then I get that behaviour. If I change to "focus follows mouse", then the behaviour of the window buttons seems to be a bit unpredictable.
After some trial and error on my part, I've worked out the behaviour of focus-follows-mouse on Xfce.
--> When focus-follows-mouse is enabled, clicking the window button for each window will bring that window forward, but not give it focus.
--> Clicking the window button of a focused window will minimize it, even if it's not at the front.brings it to the front, if it is minimized, else it will minimize the window.
--> If the window is already brought to the front and not focused, then clicking the window button will do nothing
This seems like a bug to me, although some might argue it's working as designed. Either way, the root of the (apparent) unpredictability was that when focus-follows-mouse is enabled, window buttons on the panel do not affect the focus of the target window. It seems to me that this should be the expected behaviour.
Version: 4.10.0