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Commit 41db390a authored by Piarres Beobide's avatar Piarres Beobide Committed by Transifex
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l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%

New status: 334 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.

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parent 951c916d
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Euskera translations for xfce4-panel package.
# Copyright (C) 2002-2006 The Xfce development team.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the xfce4-panel package.
# Jon Latorre Martinez <>, 2003.
# Piarres Beobide Egaña <>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
# Piarres Beobide <>, 2009, 2010.
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: xfce4-panel 4.7.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-09 22:27+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-11 04:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-07 10:59+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
......@@ -42,17 +42,12 @@ msgid "_Read Online"
msgstr "_Irakurri linean"
#: ../common/panel-utils.c:156
msgid ""
"You can read the user manual online. This manual may however not exactly "
"match your panel version."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaile manuala linean irakurri dezakezu. Manual horrek hala ere ez du "
"zehazki bertsio hau argitzen."
msgid "You can read the user manual online. This manual may however not exactly match your panel version."
msgstr "Erabiltzaile manuala linean irakurri dezakezu. Manual horrek hala ere ez du zehazki bertsio hau argitzen."
#: ../common/panel-utils.c:158
msgid "The Xfce Panel user manual is not installed on your computer"
msgstr ""
"Xfce panel erabiltzaile manuala ez dago instalaturik zure ordenagailuan"
msgstr "Xfce panel erabiltzaile manuala ez dago instalaturik zure ordenagailuan"
#. display an error message to the user
#: ../common/panel-utils.c:171
......@@ -197,19 +192,13 @@ msgid "Failed to launch the migration application"
msgstr "Huts migrazio aplikazioa abiaraztean"
#: ../panel/panel-dbus-client.c:226
msgid ""
"Invalid plugin event syntax specified. Use PLUGIN-NAME:NAME[:TYPE:VALUE]."
msgstr ""
"Okerreko plugin gertaera sintaxia ezarria. Erabili PLUGIN-IZENA[:MOTA:"
msgid "Invalid plugin event syntax specified. Use PLUGIN-NAME:NAME[:TYPE:VALUE]."
msgstr "Okerreko plugin gertaera sintaxia ezarria. Erabili PLUGIN-IZENA[:MOTA:BALIOA]."
#: ../panel/panel-dbus-client.c:259
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid hint type \"%s\". Valid types are bool, double, int, string and uint."
msgstr ""
"Okerreko \"%s\" gomendio mota. Mota erabilgarriak bool, double, int, string "
"eta uint dira,"
msgid "Invalid hint type \"%s\". Valid types are bool, double, int, string and uint."
msgstr "Okerreko \"%s\" gomendio mota. Mota erabilgarriak bool, double, int, string eta uint dira,"
#: ../panel/panel-dialogs.c:79
msgid "The panel of the Xfce Desktop Environment"
......@@ -235,12 +224,8 @@ msgid "Panel %d"
msgstr "%d panela"
#: ../panel/panel-dialogs.c:186
msgid ""
"Because the panel is running in kiosk mode, you are not allowed to make "
"changes to the panel configuration as a regular user"
msgstr ""
"Panela kiosko moduan abiarazirik dagoenez ezin dizkiozu aldaketarik egin "
"erabiltzaile arrunt gisa."
msgid "Because the panel is running in kiosk mode, you are not allowed to make changes to the panel configuration as a regular user"
msgstr "Panela kiosko moduan abiarazirik dagoenez ezin dizkiozu aldaketarik egin erabiltzaile arrunt gisa."
#: ../panel/panel-dialogs.c:188
msgid "Modifying the panel is not allowed"
......@@ -249,18 +234,12 @@ msgstr "Ez da onartzen panela eraldatzean"
#: ../panel/panel-dialogs.c:209
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" unexpectedly left the panel, do you want to restart it?"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" pluginak panela ustekabean utzi du, berriz abiaraztea nahi al duzu?"
msgstr "\"%s\" pluginak panela ustekabean utzi du, berriz abiaraztea nahi al duzu?"
#: ../panel/panel-dialogs.c:211
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The plugin restarted more than once in the last %d seconds. If you press "
"Execute the panel will try to restart the plugin otherwise it will be "
"permanently removed from the panel."
msgstr ""
"Plugin-a behin baino gehiago berrabiarazi da azken %d segundoetan. Abiarazi "
"sakatuaz panela abiarazten saiatuko da bestela betirako kenduko da paneletik."
msgid "The plugin restarted more than once in the last %d seconds. If you press Execute the panel will try to restart the plugin otherwise it will be permanently removed from the panel."
msgstr "Plugin-a behin baino gehiago berrabiarazi da azken %d segundoetan. Abiarazi sakatuaz panela abiarazten saiatuko da bestela betirako kenduko da paneletik."
#: ../panel/panel-item-dialog.c:171
msgid "Add New Items"
......@@ -311,9 +290,8 @@ msgid "Internal name: %s-%d"
msgstr "Barne-izena: %s-%d"
#: ../panel/
#, fuzzy
msgid "A_utomatically increase the length"
msgstr "Automatikoki handitu luzera"
msgstr "A_utomatikoki handitu luzera"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Add a new panel"
......@@ -324,17 +302,12 @@ msgid "Add new item to this panel"
msgstr "Gehitu elementu berri bat panel honetara"
#: ../panel/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Alpha value of the panel background, between 0 (transparent) and 100 "
msgstr ""
"Panelaren atzealdearen alpha balioa 0 (gardena) eta 100 (opakoa) artekoa."
msgid "Alpha value of the panel background, between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque)."
msgstr "Panelaren atzealdearen alpha balioa 0 (gardena) eta 100 (opakoa) artekoa."
#: ../panel/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Appeara_nce"
msgstr "Itxura"
msgstr "Itxu_ra"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Automatically show and _hide the panel"
......@@ -345,13 +318,12 @@ msgid "Background"
msgstr "Atzealdea"
#: ../panel/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Background image"
msgstr "Atzealdea"
msgstr "Atzealdeko irudia"
#: ../panel/
msgid "C_olor:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "K_olorea"
#: ../panel/
msgid "D_isplay"
......@@ -380,7 +352,8 @@ msgstr "Ele_mentuak"
msgid "L_ength (%):"
msgstr "Z_abalera (%):"
#. I18N: name of the section (frame) in the panel preferences where the user can define the length and size of the panel
#. I18N: name of the section (frame) in the panel preferences where the user
#. can define the length and size of the panel
#: ../panel/
msgid "Measurements"
msgstr "Neurri-sistema"
......@@ -397,7 +370,7 @@ msgstr "Mugitu hautaturik dagoen elementua lerro bat gora"
#: ../panel/
msgid "None (use system style)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Batez (erabili sistema egoera)"
#: ../panel/
msgid "O_utput:"
......@@ -405,7 +378,7 @@ msgstr "I_rteera:"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Pick a Panel Color"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Klikatu panel kolore bat"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Remove currently selected item"
......@@ -416,36 +389,24 @@ msgid "Remove the currently selected panel"
msgstr "Ezabatu hautaturik dagoen panela"
#: ../panel/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select A Background Image"
msgstr "Hautatu ikono bat"
msgstr "Hautatu atzealdeko irudi bat"
#: ../panel/
msgid ""
"Select this option to automatically increase the length of the panel if the "
"plugins request more space."
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau hautatu pluginak tamaina gehiago eskatzean panelaren luzera "
"automatikoki hedatzeko"
msgid "Select this option to automatically increase the length of the panel if the plugins request more space."
msgstr "Aukera hau hautatu pluginak tamaina gehiago eskatzean panelaren luzera automatikoki hedatzeko"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Select this option to extend the panel over multiple monitors."
msgstr "Hautatu aukera hau panela monitore anitzetan hedatzeko"
#: ../panel/
msgid ""
"Select this option to hide the handles of the panel and lock its position."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu aukera hau panel kudeatzaileak ezkutatu eta bere kokalekua "
msgid "Select this option to hide the handles of the panel and lock its position."
msgstr "Hautatu aukera hau panel kudeatzaileak ezkutatu eta bere kokalekua blokeatzeko"
#: ../panel/
msgid ""
"Select this option to hide the panel when the pointer is not above it. This "
"only works when the panel is attached to a screen edge."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu aukera hau markatzailea gainean ez duenean panela ezkutatzeko. Honek "
"panela pantaila ertzean dagoenean bakarrik funtzionatuko du."
msgid "Select this option to hide the panel when the pointer is not above it. This only works when the panel is attached to a screen edge."
msgstr "Hautatu aukera hau markatzailea gainean ez duenean panela ezkutatzeko. Honek panela pantaila ertzean dagoenean bakarrik funtzionatuko du."
#: ../panel/
msgid "Show about information of the currently selected item"
......@@ -453,7 +414,7 @@ msgstr "Hautaturiko elementuaren argibideak bistarazi"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Solid color"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kolore solidoa"
#: ../panel/
msgid "Span mo_nitors"
......@@ -489,9 +450,8 @@ msgid "_Enter:"
msgstr "_Sartu:"
#: ../panel/
#, fuzzy
msgid "_File:"
msgstr "E_stiloa:"
msgstr "_Fixategia:"
#. I18N: label for the leave transparency slider
#: ../panel/
......@@ -544,12 +504,8 @@ msgid "Welcome to the first start of the Xfce Panel"
msgstr "Ongi etorria Xfce panelaren lehen abiaraztera"
#: ../migrate/main.c:80
msgid ""
"Because the panel moved to a new system for storing the settings, it has to "
"load a fresh initial configuration."
msgstr ""
"Paneleko ezarpenak gordetzeko sistema berri batera aldatu denez, instalazio "
"berri bat kargatu du."
msgid "Because the panel moved to a new system for storing the settings, it has to load a fresh initial configuration."
msgstr "Paneleko ezarpenak gordetzeko sistema berri batera aldatu denez, instalazio berri bat kargatu du."
#: ../migrate/main.c:83
msgid "Choose below which setup you want for the first startup."
......@@ -678,12 +634,8 @@ msgid "Select A Menu File"
msgstr "Hautatu menu fitxategi bat"
#: ../plugins/applicationsmenu/
msgid ""
"Select this option to show the generic application name in the menu, for "
"example \"File Manager\" instead of \"Thunar\""
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau hautatu menuan aplikazioaren izen generikoa bistartzeko, adibidez "
"\"Fitxategi kudeatzailea\" \"Thunar ordez\""
msgid "Select this option to show the generic application name in the menu, for example \"File Manager\" instead of \"Thunar\""
msgstr "Aukera hau hautatu menuan aplikazioaren izen generikoa bistartzeko, adibidez \"Fitxategi kudeatzailea\" \"Thunar ordez\""
#: ../plugins/applicationsmenu/
msgid "Show application description in t_ooltip"
......@@ -816,7 +768,8 @@ msgstr "Bistarazi _segunduak"
msgid "F_ormat:"
msgstr "F_ormatua:"
#. I18N: the fuzziness the *precision* of the fuzzy clock. Time steps of 5, 15 or parts of the day.
#. I18N: the fuzziness the *precision* of the fuzzy clock. Time steps of 5, 15
#. or parts of the day.
#: ../plugins/clock/
msgid "F_uzziness:"
msgstr "La_usotasuna:"
......@@ -852,15 +805,8 @@ msgstr "Ikusi _sareta"
#: ../plugins/clock/
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The format describes the date and time parts to insert into the file name. "
"For example, %Y will be substituted with the year, %m with the month and %d "
"with the day. See the documentation of the date utility for additional "
msgstr ""
"Formatuak fitxategi izenean txertatuko diren data eta ordu zatiak zehazten "
"ditu. Adibidez, %Y urteaz ordeztuko da, %m hilabeteaz eta %d egunaz. "
"Begiratu date tresnaren dokumentazioa argibide gehiagorentzat."
msgid "The format describes the date and time parts to insert into the file name. For example, %Y will be substituted with the year, %m with the month and %d with the day. See the documentation of the date utility for additional information."
msgstr "Formatuak fitxategi izenean txertatuko diren data eta ordu zatiak zehazten ditu. Adibidez, %Y urteaz ordeztuko da, %m hilabeteaz eta %d egunaz. Begiratu date tresnaren dokumentazioa argibide gehiagorentzat."
#: ../plugins/clock/
msgid "True _binary clock"
......@@ -888,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr "Goiza"
#: ../plugins/clock/clock-fuzzy.c:89
msgid "Almost noon"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eguerdia"
#: ../plugins/clock/clock-fuzzy.c:90
msgid "Noon"
......@@ -1148,14 +1094,8 @@ msgid "Show a directory tree in a menu"
msgstr "Ikusi direktorio zuhaitza menu batean"
#: ../plugins/directorymenu/
msgid ""
"Enter a list of patterns that will be used to determine which files are "
"visible in a directory. If you specify more than one pattern here, the list "
"items must be separated with semicolons (e.g. *.txt;*.doc)."
msgstr ""
"Idatzi direktorioan bistaraziko diren fitxategiak ezartzen dituen patroi "
"zerrenda. Hemen patroi bat baino gehiago zehazten baduzu, zerrenda "
"elementuak puntu eta gakoz bereizi behar dira (adib *.txt; *.doc)."
msgid "Enter a list of patterns that will be used to determine which files are visible in a directory. If you specify more than one pattern here, the list items must be separated with semicolons (e.g. *.txt;*.doc)."
msgstr "Idatzi direktorioan bistaraziko diren fitxategiak ezartzen dituen patroi zerrenda. Hemen patroi bat baino gehiago zehazten baduzu, zerrenda elementuak puntu eta gakoz bereizi behar dira (adib *.txt; *.doc)."
#: ../plugins/directorymenu/
#: ../plugins/tasklist/
......@@ -1250,12 +1190,8 @@ msgid "North"
msgstr "Iparra"
#: ../plugins/launcher/
msgid ""
"Select this option to disable the tooltips when moving over the panel button "
"or menu items."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu aukera hau menu elementu edo panel botoien gainean mugitzean "
"gomendioak desgaitzeko"
msgid "Select this option to disable the tooltips when moving over the panel button or menu items."
msgstr "Hautatu aukera hau menu elementu edo panel botoien gainean mugitzean gomendioak desgaitzeko"
#: ../plugins/launcher/
msgid "Select this option to move the clicked menu item to the panel."
......@@ -1367,10 +1303,8 @@ msgstr "Ikusi mahaigaina"
#. create fake error and show it
#: ../plugins/systray/systray.c:551
msgid ""
"Most likely another widget took over the function of a notification area. "
"This plugin will close."
msgstr ""
msgid "Most likely another widget took over the function of a notification area. This plugin will close."
msgstr "Ziurrenik beste widget batek berri-emate eremuaren kargu artu du. Plugin hau itxi egingo da."
#: ../plugins/systray/systray.c:554
msgid "The notification area lost selection"
......@@ -1412,7 +1346,7 @@ msgstr "Beti"
#: ../plugins/tasklist/
msgid "D_raw window frame when hovering a button"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ma_rraztu leiho markoa botoia nabarmentzean"
#: ../plugins/tasklist/
msgid "Group title and timestamp"
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