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Add submenus for custom actions (Issue #184)

Alexander Schwinn requested to merge alexxcons/thunar:uca_sub_folders into master

Attention: Before testing this MR, best backup your uca.xml to prevent trouble !

Bildschirmfoto_2020-11-16_23-26-29 Bildschirmfoto_2020-11-16_23-21-37

I tried to get the order inside the submenu correct, but that resulted in having a new thunarx API method "thunarx_menu_prepend_item" ... I supose not worth do bump the thunarx API version just because of that.

Bildschirmfoto_2020-11-16_23-21-04 Bildschirmfoto_2020-11-16_23-24-09

Note that you need to install the patched thunar to try this patch. Does not run directly from the source folder.

Suggestions and critic are very welcome !

Edited by Alexander Schwinn

Merge request reports
