Fix automatically invalid filenames when copying to a vfat-filesystem
Submitted by Bernard Decock
Assigned to Jannis Pohlmann
Created attachment 5458 Invalid filename when copying to usb-stick
When I want to copy a screenshot to a vfat-usb-stick, I always get an error that the filename is invalid. The filename contains ":"-characters which apparently are not allowed characters in a vfat-filesystem. I was not aware of this problem, because I used Nautilus on an Ubuntu-system. I upgraded a relative's computer to Xubuntu 14.04 and he noticed me, that he could not save a screenshot to his usb-memory-stick. Renaming the file (eg. deleting the ":"'s) solves the problem. I wondered why I didn't have this problem with Nautilus. Well, Nautilus is automatically replacing the ":" with an underscore when writing the file to the usb-stick.
Can this feature be enabled, implemented in Thunar? Otherwise, one has to rename the files manually. User's normally don't understand why the filename is invalid.
Attachment 5458, "Invalid filename when copying to usb-stick":