changed the description
Thank you for reporting !
Indeed, I can reproduce the bug on master, sorry looks like Introduced that regression
I'll check how we can fix that without reverting the 3 commits.
added 1. Regression 5. File Operations labels
Thanks alot for the commit hints .. found that the problem was: Now that we duplicate on request "before" doing the copy, we always want to merge directories.
(Before there was a bool argument FALSE for merge when source and target are identical .. and I picked that call for each copy operation by accident, ignoring that FALSE argument)
Here a patch:
Would be great if you could test it, before I push it !
mentioned in issue #655 (closed)
i had tested this patch and it's success. thanks you very much and i'm sorry my english is bad
mentioned in commit 75a3066d
Fixed for master by above commit, to be released in 4.17.7
Thank you for reporting that regression and pointing to the commits !
Dont worry about your english, I understood you well !