Emblem changes done without Thunar not showing when entering folder
If you have a script similar to below and you change the emblem in another folder you'll not see changes when navigating back to that folder by using the Forward or Back buttons.
Seems counter-intuitive.
Here's that test script. Drag and drop files from different folders and you'll see. What I mean.:
FOLDER=$(basename "$(pwd)")
for folderOrFilename in "$@"; do
gio set -t stringv "$folderOrFilename" metadata::emblems "emblem-favorite"
# Refresh the Thunar window so emblems appear
for win in `wmctrl -lx | tr -s ' ' | grep -i "thunar" | grep --fixed-strings "$FOLDER_NAME" | cut -d' ' -f1`
wmctrl -i -a $win && xdotool key F5
Edited by M Dini