Under certain circumstances, I can still get the tree pane to get stuck. When this happens, it stops moving with the main view. Now when the tree pane gets out of sync with the main view by more than one directory level, Thunar will start using 100% CPU.
Sadly, I don't have a reliable repro. I suspect it happens when Thunar doesn't notice certain changes, and when these involve directory operations, this bug can trigger. I'll keep trying to reproduce.
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expand the folder in tree-view, so that direct sub folders are visible
Open a terminal in the folder: mkdir -p foo/bar
enter foo/bar in thunar
Patches would be very welcome !
@lastonestanding any me once discussed that it probably would make sense to delay the tree-walking loop thunar_tree_view_cursor_idle in some way, so that it at least does not spike the CPU to 100%, but just emits some warnings instead.
We as well though about limiting the search depth .. though I dont remember what was the result of that discussion.
Since I fear there always will be some border-case leading to infinite tree-walk, I think it would be good to go for such protection mechanics.
I cannot reproduce this in either master or 4.15.1 using alexxcon's method (or haarp's). How are you entering the new directory? I've tried clicking on the icon, navigating via the tree view, and entering the path directly in the location bar, but without seeing this bug. Are there any more specific things I can do to see it?
Ok, so after trying this a lot more, I did manage to get part of this bug on 4.15.1. With the side pane in tree-mode and the current directory expanded in the side pane, I repeatedly did mkdir -p dir*/sub with * being 1,2,3,4,..., and a few variations of this (eg dir_*/sub, dir*/subdir, etc). I got a few cases where the new parent directory (ie dir*) appeared in the side pane without a collapse/expand arrow, and when I clicked into it the sub directory was not shown, but appeared when I pressed F5. I did not see the side pane being out of sync or any abnormal CPU usage. I had to run the command many tens of times to see the bug happen once, though.
@haarp so for you, do you (at least sometimes) see the bug if you eg
do mkdir -p sub1/sub2 and thunar shows sub1 but not sub2
enter sub1 in thunar
press F5 to make sub2 appear
enter sub2 in thunar
because that is what I've done a few times, but the tree pane and main view stay in sync and there is no extra CPU usage on my system. Am I missing something? Thanks!
It's a bit tricky to get Thunar confused enough so it doesn't see the dirs. This has worked for me just now:
mkdir -p /tmp/sub1/sub2/sub3
Enter sub3 in Thunar
rm -r /tmp/sub1 -> Thunar jumps back to /tmp
mkdir -p /tmp/sub1/sub2/sub3
In the previous Thunar window, enter sub1 via the main view -> The tree view didn't follow.
In the same window, enter sub2 via the main view -> CPU usage becomes high (and sub3 is shown as an unknown-type file).
So in addition to the tree pane CPU bug, there is a bug that confuses Thunar as to which directories exist, but which is an useful way to trigger the tree pane bug.
Thanks, @haarp! So using these steps I can reproduce this bug consistently with both 4.15.1 and the current master, including the out-of-sync side pane and high CPU usage.
After reading the doc, I suppose stopping the loop makes perfect sense for if (G_UNLIKELY (view->current_directory == NULL)).
I suppose I confused the return values after switching to gboolean done = FALSE; above during the latest patches.
For if (view->select_path != NULL) I first I thought it should be ok to try opening the tree after force-selecting a certain path. Though using FALSE prevents cursor jumping on unmount, which imo is nice, so I suppose FALSE it the right thing to do. (Thought we even have an issue for that, but did not find any)
Dont select anything instead of hopeing to catch some possibly newly created root node looks very reasonable to me ... better safe than sorry.
To sum up: Looks good to me, I would push it, if you are done with it.
Unrelated: The return value done is still confusing. !done is returned at the end .. so if we are done, aka done = TRUE, "not done" is returned :P (I'll rename it to 'full_path_found' after this fix got pushed and add some documentation)
Regarding the "heavy" looping, would switching to g_timeout_add_(seconds_)full be a solution? Maybe use a counter on top of that to terminate after a certain count.
Yes, I guess so. I would go for g_timeout_add_full, since I suppose a second is too much to wait for tree-buildup in case of access problems/slow access. How about 100ms ?
I guess after ~5 seconds loading failure it should be ok to terminate the loop by the counter
Did not think about the details so far. I suppose sufficient to get a timestamp in the beginning and substract it from a "now" stamp at some point in the loop.
Yes and no. Indeed it looks like @lastonestanding's patch fixed the last culpits.
Though thunar_tree_view_cursor_idle is still rather complex, and I suppose there is still the risk in never finding the full path in some corner-cases, leading to infinite calls of thunar_tree_view_cursor_idle and 100% CPU.
So I think it still would be worth it to use g_timeout_add_full or some other mechanism in order to stop tree-loading after a while.