Add Support for GTK RECENT bookmark
Submitted by Mr.Venner
Assigned to Xfce Bug Triage
Thunar supports a GTK bookmark showing the recently used files, if you have such a bookmark (you can add it by inserting an entry "recent:/" in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/bookmarks) and click on it in Thunar, it will happily parse ~/local/share/recently-used.xbel and display all the files listed there.
The problem is: if I doubleclick any of the files shown there, Thunar will not hand out the actual path/filename to whatever external application it is calling, but "recent:///<SOME_ID>
" instead. In other words: the external application has to support this approach and search recently-used.xbel for the ID to retrieve the proper filename.
Only very few applications do that, most of them are from the GNOME project obviously - atril/evince works here, for example. But this seems to be easy to fix, simply by having Thunar use the proper filename instead of the recent ID?
Version: 1.8.7