Thanks for reporting … however, I cannot reproduce the issue with the described steps
Seems like some relevant detail is missing ... maybe some setting. Could you please attach your ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/thunar.xml, so that I can test with the same settings you are using?
Checked on another PC with Thunar 4.18.11 - I was able to reproduce, but steps were different (and still unknown - I was just using search and finally this happened).
I noticed also view icon size sometimes clashes with search mode icon size - this can be related (Ctrl+F and Ctrl++ / Ctrl+- changes the search mode icon size, but sometimes it affects the normal view, too, untill you reset saved folder view settings and restart Thunar).
I'll try to give more info when I'll find out what's going on here
I noticed this bug since I use search in Thunar, but never found exact way to reproduce it... I just open again some directories later and I see them in list view mode.
Checking with 4.18.x does not help here ... there have been some fixes in the search behavior between 4.18 and 4.20pre2 ... so best only test with the latest version.
I'll try to give more info when I'll find out what's going on here
I was able to reproduce the issue. The core of the problem seems to be that Thunar saves the current view settings when search mode is activated. However, no metadata should be written in this case.
Hmm, only the commit on the xfce-4.20 branch is referenced here, even though the change as well was applied to master (3f8ee52d) ... possibly a gitlab issue