Yeah , with that it even errors out.
We can actually do this like dolphin , and insert toolbar above notebook when it isn't in the toolbar. seems like a good solution. Or we can make location bar unhidible just like menu button and use the hidden style (when you activate a location bar type change twice) location bar . Althought hidden style needs fixing couse it hides entire toolbar instead of just location bar , but that is for another issue.
Actually, I wonder if this issue is a real-world problem, or just a constructed use-case. Do people really shrink the window in a way that the most important control, the pathbar is moved to the overflow menu, or completly hiddden?
We can actually do this like dolphin , and insert toolbar above notebook when it isn't in the toolbar. seems like a good solution.
That sounds rather complicated, and I am not sure if I would want a search bar per tab at all. IMO if it is only about a fix for the current issue, I actually would like to keep it simple.
Dolphin reserves a minimum amount of space per tab, so that there is always sufficient space for the search bar.
A simple fix IMO could be :
Don't allow hiding the pathbar from the toolbar
Don't allow the pathbar to be placed into the overflow menu
(pathbar entry-style vs button-style is generally a bit strange currently ... selecting none of both in view --> location selector will hide the whole toolbar ... though off-topic for this issue)
We would have to reimplement GtkToolbar for that. I can't find a way to make it aways visible. When i was working on View switcher, i couldn't even find a way to put menu items in overflow widget, since even the "notify::visible" event didn't work on the tool item when you overflow it. And there is no actual signal to connect to for that.
Thanks for checking! Hmpf, IMO that overflow menu causes more trouble than good
Another simple fix might be, to just make sure that no criticals do happen when search is used without path bar, and to show some error dialog "Search not possible when pathbar is hidden". (Same for 'open location')
IMO that overflow menu causes more trouble than good
Not having the overflow menu means that you cannot shrink the window beyond a certain point. As workaround we could let the mentioned actions disable and then re-enable the overflow menu to reveal all toolbar items. However, that may increase the window size as side effect.
s workaround we could let the mentioned actions disable and then re-enable the overflow menu to reveal all toolbar items. However, that may increase the window size as side effect.
Hmm, sounds like a valid option.
If the pathbar is hidden, temporary unhide it
if the pathbar is in the overflow menu, temporary disable the overflow menu
(While I have the fear that people might complain when the window resizes itself … however, it's anyhow just an edge-case)