When misc-symbolic-icons-in-sidepane is enabled, sometimes is possible to see that symbolic icons also appear in list view:
This is easily reproducible when one have shortcuts in the side pane and uses them to navigate back and forth. I was able to reproduce this problem with Papirus, elementary and Adwaita. I was NOT able to reproduce this with icon and compact view.
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Hmm, what I can see for these themes is, that using very small zoom levels results in symbolic icons. That seems to be desired by theme authors (No idea if that possibly validates the fd.org specification)
Though I fail to reproduce your screenshot, where only specific icons are symbolics, but others are not Possibly you are using fractional scaling ? Could that be related ?
I think icon theme authors kind of force the icons to be symbolic only for the 16px size.
I don't use fractional scaling, but I found something interesting, the side pane icons have to have the same size as of the main view's icons, now I can reproduce even when using the Icon View:
Maybe the problems is related to caching in the icon factory, it's just not really obvious because wants_symbolic is part of the hash table key.
I just noticed one small glitch that is not strictly related to this issue. Toggling the xfconf property during runtime does not update the icons for "File System" and "Browse Network" in the shortcuts pane.
As well added one line from thunar_icon_key_equal of the second patch, since it was obvious to me that it was missing.
For the remaining lines in the cleanup patch (movement of the if-block), I was not sure if it possibly could have side effects, so I left that out for now.
I just noticed one small glitch that is not strictly related to this issue. Toggling the xfconf property during runtime does not update the icons for "File System" and "Browse Network" in the shortcuts pane.
Yea, as well noticed that one ... not sure if it is worth looking into it. Probably people will figure out that reopen thunar already fixes it.