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  • Benedikt Meurer's avatar
    2005-09-06 Benedikt Meurer <> · c5a3c59f
    Benedikt Meurer authored
    	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c: Invoke the parent's finalize method, as
    	  that will be required for language bindings once we have weak/toggle
    	  references for ExoObject.
    	* thunar/thunar-local-file.c(thunar_local_file_rename): Re-register with
    	  the VFS monitor if the rename succeeds.
    	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_hash): Don't hash the
    	  hostname if it's NULL.
    	* thunar-vfs/thunar-vfs-uri.c(thunar_vfs_uri_equal): We don't need to
    	  query the hostname string here, as local files will always have host
    	  set to NULL.
    	* tests/test-thunar-vfs-uri.c(main): Extend the ThunarVfsURI test.
    	* pixmaps/,,, thunar/thunar-window.c,
    	  thunar/ Initial idea for the about dialog logo.
    (Old svn revision: 17389)
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