Important for Thunar 1.0
- Add ThunarVfsFlags, which specifies various flags for the job starters
(like thunar_vfs_copy_files, etc.). One important flag would be
THUNAR_VFS_FLAG_ERROR_ON_OVERWRITE, which tells the job not to ask the
user when the target exists, but to fail directly (the flags could also
be part of thunar-vfs-interactive-job.h, as they're only interesting
for interactive jobs).
- We need a way to "refresh" folders after a "Cut"-operation with Nautilus.
With local folders - with not many files inside - the move is too fast!
- Use better way to handle system flavours than simply (mis)using
AC_CONFIG_LINKS(), which is pretty messy for this purpose.
- Check getmntinfo() or getfsstat() for ThunarVfsVolumeManagerBSD, which
might be faster than several statfs() calls.
- The layouting code for ThunarLocationButtons is still buggy. Problem shows
with paths that include a very long directory; you cannot scroll to the
last path component then.
- A design for the ThunarTreePane framework must be developed and later
be implemented.
- A design for the ThunarDesktopView module must be developed and later
be implemented.
- We need a suite of unit tests and probably high-level tests, that enable
us to test parts of the file manager automatically and isolate bugs
- Setup gtk-doc to present developers with the internal API of Thunar
to ease development of core modules (and later plugins).
- Write good user documentation. Must be both precise and complete.
- We need some easy way to manage diagrams and related developer
information, which also includes results from discussions on
- The HACKING file must be updated with strict rules about how
development of Thunar core modules is to be done, and what
material each developer in addition to the source code.