exo-open --launch WebBrowser does not do anything
Submitted by YS1
Assigned to Nick Schermer
I am using a Debian 8 virtual machine for testing purposes with Xfce as a DE.
I noticed that clicking the WebBrowser button on the default panel does not do anything visible.
In fact, typing exo-open --launch WebBrowser in a terminal does not seem to work either.
xdg-settings get default-web-browser gives firefox.desktop
locate firefox.desktop gives /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/firefox.desktop
/usr/share/xfce4/helpers/firefox.desktop contains X-XFCE-Binaries=firefox;firefox-gtk2;firefox-gtk;mozilla-firefox;
and running "firefox" correctly opens the Firefox browser.
The Preferred application dialog also states Mozilla Firefox as the default web browser.
exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator and FileManager correctly open a new terminal/manager window. exo-open --launch MailReader correctly prompts for the choice of a default application.
Version: 0.10.2