[Feedback] Could minor xfce-releases + components also be mentioned from the main homepage?
Submitted byAssigned to Xfce Bug Triage
Hey xfce guys,
Sorry for mis-filing this here under xfdesktop; I meant to file it as general xfce-related, but I could not find such an entry. And I prefer using a form rather than a direct email too. :-)
Simon (and I assume others) keep us folks updated via blog updates such as:
This is all fine.
Personally I compile everything related to xfce from source. I also test out new releases e. g the 4.15 series.
I have commandline scripts (in ruby) that handle updates + compilating automatically but I still have to update manually sometimes. So to me updates which are new, are VERY useful information.
On the XFCE homepage at https://www.xfce.org/ we see new entries via blog posts. But I believe not every minor 4.15.x release is part of that blog post.
My question or wish is: would it be possible to also publish smaller (minor) releases? Even just a bump e. g. from a XFCE component to a more recent release. A bit similar to how distrowatch shows updated programs on the left side area on the homepage at https://distrowatch.com/.
I am not sure how much work it would be to add news about minor releases too; ideally a script could do so for XFCE. To me this would be helpful because I can look at the homepage, see what is new, and update it specifically. (I can actually do so automatically, if I write a few more ruby scripts anyway, but I also like to browse the web and do things manually; it helps me memorize better what is going on, as commandline scripts I tend to just run, without looking what has happened really. I use the KDE konsole with lots of tabs so I often forget what I have been doing in one tab. Too much multi-tasking. :-) )
Anyway thanks for reading - if it is too much work don't worry, it is not so important.
Version: Unspecified