Cannot set the bars background color
Submitted by Christophe
Assigned to Florian Rivoal
Created attachment 7224 Default background colors of CPUload and Netload comparison
Concern : xfce4-netload-plugin amd64 1.3.1-0ubuntu1 System : xubuntu 17.04
There is no way (or I have not found it) to specify the background color of the bars. It is not possible in the plugin xfce4-cpugraph-plugin which seems to me similar, but on a dark theme, the default value for the netload-plugin is unsuitable (gray too clear, see attached image).
Ideally, a third color rectangle should be available in the configuration window to select the background color and possibly to give it a transparency rate (alpha channel).
Thank you for your work. This is my first bug report here, I hope to have been clear.
Attachment 7224, "Default background colors of CPUload and Netload comparison":