[PATCH] Allow genmon "command" to dynamically change the timer period
Submitted by Jerry D. Hedden
Assigned to Florian Rivoal
Created attachment 6311 Patch to allow genmon "command" to dynamically change the timer period.
The attached patch modifies the command output parsing to add the capability for the command to dynamically change the timer period. If the command output contains tags "<period>
", then the timer's period will be changed to the SECS value (* 1000 for millisecs). This will then go into affect on the next period.
If the user is displaying the period in the tooltip, the new value will be displayed.
If the user pulls up the options/config popup, this value will be displayed. If any values are changed, then this new value will be saved to the config file.
If the command changes the period, but the user does not pull up the options/config popup, then the changed period will not be saved.
Attachment 6311, "Patch to allow genmon "command" to dynamically change the timer period.":
Version: git