Free Space Checker waking up autofs mounts
Submitted by Massimo Burcheri
Assigned to Xfce-Goodies Maintainers
I have several network and local filesystems mounted via autofs. It took me long to find out which process is periodically waking them up (standby usb drives in spin-down) and remounting. No process was appearing in lsof or fuser. Stopping the autofs for debugging this time encountered a crash on that panel item "Free Space Checker" (please rename the panel item to match the package name "fsguard". Anyway not with that crash I got an idea who is the culprit.
Could you add the default behaviour that only mounted locations are monitored? A df
wouldn't wake up my usb-drive. But an explicit df /mnt/usb/data
would do.
So if not adding a default behaviour you could at least add an option for [ ] silent checking of [ ] removable for drives and locations that are not always mounted. That would need to parse the existing mounts first before checking the df
on that location.
For now I need to remove all "Free Space Checker" items checking removable (that is autofs managed) mounts for getting these mounts unmounted after timeout.
This is fsguard-plugin 1.1.0.