- New translations: go to the `/po` directory, and create a new `[langcode].po` file by editing `xfce4-docklike-plugin.pot`.
- Updating translations: edit the `[langcode].po` file and translate new strings. Any lines containing `#, fuzzy` can be deleted if the translation they precede is correct.
- Open a pull request
For usage instructions, keyboard shortcuts, and screenshots, see <https://docs.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-docklike-plugin/start>.
#### Dependencies
### Dependencies
+ libxfce4panel-2.0
+ libxfce4ui-2
+ gtk-3.0
+ cairo-1.16
+ libwnck-3.0
+ x11-1.6
- libxfce4panel-2.0
- libxfce4ui-2
- gtk-3.0
- cairo-1.16
- libwnck-3.0
- x11-1.6
- exo-utils (for exo-desktop-item-edit)
## Build & Install
@@ -31,10 +30,14 @@ Use `./configure --prefix=/usr/local` to change install location