First day of the week (regression)
Submitted by Serge Stroobandt
Assigned to Florian Rivoal
This is to report a regression on a previously resolved bug with xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.7.0-1ubuntu1 on Xubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.
The datetime calendar pop-up always shows Sunday as the first day of the week, despite Monday (2) being dictated by the locale set with environment variable $LC_TIME.
Here is the proof:
$ dpkg -l xfce4-datetime-plugin
ii xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.7.0-1ubuntu1 amd64 date and time plugin for the Xfce4 panel
$ echo $LC_TIME
$ grep 'first_weekday' /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB
first_weekday 2
The number 2 corresponds to Monday. Notwithstanding, the datetime calendar pop-up shows Sunday as the first day of the week. The same happens with LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8.
Both en_GB and en_DK abide to the international standard ISO 8601, in which Monday is treated as the first day of the week.
Edited by Gaël Bonithon