Please, provide preferred dictionaries and a drop-down arrow to select them on app and panel
Submitted by José Luis González
Assigned to Harald Judt
Selecting a different dictionary from the configured one is at this moment very cumbersome, since it requires going to preferences and selecting the dictionary (or set) from a very long list. This has to be done every time the user wants a different dictionary. Selecting a dictionary on a per word basis makes sense since the user may want a single monolingual by default (to prevent digging from a ton of definitions) and switch to a bilingual on a certain word (or to the whole set of bilinguals).
Please, let user select preferred dictionaries (or sets of) instead of one dictionary (or set of) in preferences and add a drop-down combo list in the app and a drop-up or down (depending on position of the panel) arrow in the panel applet to be able to select one of the preferred dictionaries on a per word basis.
Thank you so much in advance.
Version: 0.7.x