"Enter an URL to a web site which offer translation or dictionary services. "
"Use {word} as placeholder for the searched word."
msgstr ""
"Introduzca una URL a un sitio web que ofrezca servicios de traducción o de "
"diccionario. Use {word} en el lugar donde iría palabra buscada."
msgid "Enter an URL to a web site which offer translation or dictionary services. Use {word} as placeholder for the searched word."
msgstr "Introduzca una URL a un sitio web que ofrezca servicios de traducción o de diccionario. Use {word} en el lugar donde iría palabra buscada."
#: ../lib/prefs.c:627
#, fuzzy
msgid "Spell Check Program:"
msgstr "Programa aspell:"
msgstr "Programa corrector ortográfico:"
#: ../lib/prefs.c:644
msgid ""
"<i>The spell check program can be 'enchant', 'aspell', 'ispell' or any other "
"spell check program which is compatible to the ispell command.\n"
"<i>The spell check program can be 'enchant', 'aspell', 'ispell' or any other spell check program which is compatible to the ispell command.\n"
"The icon shows whether the entered command exists.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>El programa corrector ortográfico puede ser 'enchant', 'aspell', 'ispell' o cualquier otro corrector ortográfico compatible con el comando ispell.\n"
"El icono muestra si el comando introducido existe.</i>"
#~ msgid "Show help options"
#~ msgstr "Mostrar opciones de ayuda"
#~ msgid "Text to search:"
#~ msgstr "Texto a buscar:"
#~ msgid "Developer"
#~ msgstr "Desarrollador"
#~ msgid "Aspell"
#~ msgstr "Aspell"
#~ msgid "Properties"
#~ msgstr "Propriétés"
#~ msgid "Use a DICT server"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser un serveur Dict"
#~ msgid "Use another website"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser un autre site Web"
#~ msgid "Use a web site"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser un site Web"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "This option can only be used when the panel has a horizontal orientation."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cette option ne s'utilise que si le panneau est orienté horizontalement."
#~ msgid "Usage: %s [options]\n"
#~ msgstr "Usage : %s [options]\n"
#~ msgid "Options:\n"
#~ msgstr "Options :\n"
#~ msgid " -h, --help show this help and exit\n"
#~ msgstr " -h, --help afficher cette aide et quitter\n"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If called without any options, the xfce4-dict-plugin main window is "
#~ "shown.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Si appelé sans options, la fenêtre principale de xfce4-dict-plugin est "
msgstr "! (usar todo, parar despois do primeiro resultado)"
#: ../lib/prefs.c:577
msgid "<b>Web search URL:</b>"
msgstr ""
msgstr "<b>URL de busca na Web:</b>"
#: ../lib/prefs.c:583
msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"
#: ../lib/prefs.c:603
msgid ""
"Enter an URL to a web site which offer translation or dictionary services. "
"Use {word} as placeholder for the searched word."
msgid "Enter an URL to a web site which offer translation or dictionary services. Use {word} as placeholder for the searched word."
msgstr ""
#: ../lib/prefs.c:627
#, fuzzy
msgid "Spell Check Program:"
msgstr "Programa aspell:"
msgstr "Programa do corrector ortográfico:"
#: ../lib/prefs.c:644
msgid ""
"<i>The spell check program can be 'enchant', 'aspell', 'ispell' or any other "
"spell check program which is compatible to the ispell command.\n"
"<i>The spell check program can be 'enchant', 'aspell', 'ispell' or any other spell check program which is compatible to the ispell command.\n"
"The icon shows whether the entered command exists.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>O programa de corrección de ortografía pode ser 'enchant', 'aspell', 'ispell' ou calquera outro programa de corrección de ortografía que sexa compatible co comando ispell.\n"
"A icona mostra se o comando introducido existe.</i>"